Off Topic · Writing

Progress Despite Being Sick

Last week I challenged myself to buckle down and get some editing done. Of course fate promptly laughed in my face. First the good news. I did make some (small) amounts of progress towards my goal of having my current manuscript edited (for the second time) by April 12. First and foremost: I had a… Continue reading Progress Despite Being Sick

Off Topic · Writing

On Escapism

Have you ever had a book hangover? Picture this: you’re reading along, frantically flipping page after page, immersed in a story of someone else’s life and problems. You can’t wait to see what happens on the next page or in the next chapter. You read faster and faster, needing to know how it ends. How… Continue reading On Escapism

Off Topic

Life Gets In The Way

It happens to us all, dear reader. This past week, life has most definitely gotten in the way. My day job has kept me busy, and my personal life went nuts too. We’ve had a house sitting on the market (empty) for eight months. We had a very early offer which fell through the day… Continue reading Life Gets In The Way