Self-Publishing · Traditional Publishing

Starting Fresh

Hey there out in reader land. You may (or may not) have realized that I’ve been a bit absent lately and haven’t posted a new blog entry in… oh, say, three years. There are reasons for that—reasons that have to do with “real life” and “jobs” and “moving across the country…three times”. During that time,… Continue reading Starting Fresh

Querying · Recommendations · Self-Publishing · Traditional Publishing

The Fear of Querying

I used to think that there was this great canyon that divided the published authors from the unpublished authors. That those authors that had successfully brought a book into the world and into the hands of actual readers were on one side (far, far away) and I and my unpublished compatriots were on the other.… Continue reading The Fear of Querying

Motivation · Self-Publishing · Traditional Publishing

On Rejection

In early December I submitted a manuscript to a publisher. Just yesterday, I received an email stating that the publisher was not currently interested in my manuscript. I have to admit this was expected as, even though I’ve been writing for a long time, I’m new at attempting to get published. I’m sure I still… Continue reading On Rejection