Recommendations · Self-Publishing

Cover Art

I’m going to let you in on a not-so-hidden secret. I am IN LOVE with the cover for my new book, Amazon in Exile. I may have even squealed when I saw it come in from the designer for the first time. Seriously. It’s possible it was only audible to my dogs… But how did… Continue reading Cover Art

Querying · Recommendations · Self-Publishing · Traditional Publishing

The Fear of Querying

I used to think that there was this great canyon that divided the published authors from the unpublished authors. That those authors that had successfully brought a book into the world and into the hands of actual readers were on one side (far, far away) and I and my unpublished compatriots were on the other.… Continue reading The Fear of Querying

Motivation · Recommendations

Procrastination and Deadlines

I’ll be honest, I haven’t been writing or editing for the last month. A lot of “life stuff” has been happening, which is a handy excuse, but more to the point I have a bad case of the “I don’t wanna’s”. What I have been doing well is procrastinating. I finished one TV series (Primeval)… Continue reading Procrastination and Deadlines

Recommendations · Writing

Plotting for a Pantser

For Christmas a few weeks ago, I received the book “Romancing the Beat” by Gwen Hayes*. The book was on my Amazon wish list, and I was happy to get it. Last weekend, I took the book out to read it, which took a surprisingly short amount of time. Like many craft or self-improvement books,… Continue reading Plotting for a Pantser