Announcements · Self-Publishing

Release Day!

Welp, here it is. Release day for book two, Amazon in Darkness. Can you believe it? I sure can. Release day comes with a strange set of feelings. The biggest one is excitement, of course. This thing that’s been living inside of you that only a few others have gotten a chance to see before… Continue reading Release Day!


Book Two Coming At You!

IT’S HAPPENING! (Cue a gif of people running around in scared chaos…) Yes, my lovelies it’s really happening. Amazon in Darkness, book two of the Amazons of Themyscira series, is set to be released on February 1, 2024. For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting the sequel to Amazon in Exile, this one… Continue reading Book Two Coming At You!

Announcements · Events

I’m a Real Live Person, I Swear!

Now that book one is out the door (Amazon in Exile, have you read it yet???) and revisions for book two are well on their way, it’s time to conquer a new milestone. Yes, if you can believe it, this introverted person that prefers books to humans has signed up for not one, but TWO… Continue reading I’m a Real Live Person, I Swear!


Release day is finally HERE!!!!!

Oh, my God! Can you believe it? Yes, you read that right, today is the day that Amazon in Exile is finally released for the world to read. This book has been a long time coming. (I’m pretty sure I started it five years ago, but don’t quote me on that.) In case you’re one… Continue reading Release day is finally HERE!!!!!